The Golden Opportunity – Recasting the debate on the economic and development benefits of small-scale and artisanal mining.
Co-funded by Both Ends (Netherlands) and The CRED Foundation’s Fair Jewellery Action Programme (UK), The Golden Opportunity explores some of the historical relationship between large-scale mining and small-scale mining in public policy. Steve Tibbet the author argues that the macro economic policy narrative that has been so vociferously implemented on behalf of Large Scale mining companies in the name of prospering developing countries social and environmental well-being, is misplaced and has not delivered on the promises made to developing nations by multi lateral agencies like the World Bank.
Taking a new look at the small-scale mining sector Tibbet makes a strong case that some of the fresh thinking around the ASM sector will deliver more long-term economic, social and environmental development for the many millions of people whose livelihoods are dependent on small-scale mining.
This paper represents another opportunity to the mining sector, national public policy makers and jewellery trade to continue to develop a fresh and positive approach to the small-scale mining sector.
For a copy of the report please visit
Dear Greg,
Can you tell me where I can get fairtrade silver? I’m all for supporting the caurse.
Thank you.